Hispanic Ministry
Mark and Trini Simpson
Janis Simpson
Horst and Amparo Bergmann
Horst (German) was wonderfully born from above in 1977 and before the end of that year active in a tent ministry. Leaving the US in 1978 for Italy and Germany for the same kind of ministry. In 1984 met his sweetheart Amparo who was transferred from the Spanish mission to work with the one in Italy. In 1990 moved out to the work in Portugal with now 2 young children. In 1992 drove overland from Portugal to the Ukraine, establishing also a permanent work there, then driving back to Portugal to continue the work begun there. After 7 years out of Italy and learning 2 new languages it was time to go back.
They’ve been in Italy since, with short outreaches to Greece to work with refugees. Their daughter Heidi married in 2010 under the tent and is also active with her Sicilian husband in the ministry, with now three little ones (seen in the photo) grandparents joy. Jonathan their son is also serving in the same ministry, and now also has a sweetheart. Till here the Lord has been faithful, with little or a bit more, we are content in Him, always very thankful for help from His friends and ours. |
Mel and Isabel
Mel and Isabel serve in the local Evangelical church in the town of Umbrete to the west of Seville, Spain. Mel is one of the founding elders and teaching pastors of the church. The former and founding Academic Dean of the Al-Andalus Seminary and long-time Bible and Theology professor, Mel now dedicates part of his time to putting into writing what he has studied as a pastor, missionary and professor during his 40+ years of ministry, and Isabel serves as his correcting editor in the Spanish writings.
Lidia Sánta
Lidia accepted the call to missions more than twenty years ago. Born in Romania to Hungarian parents she has been ministering in both countries. She started with children’s work, but over the years learned how to witness passionately to people on the streets as well as how to organize events and evangelistic crusades. She’s been an able office worker, a personal assistant and has been involved in women’s and children’s outreaches, working with churches in different capacities.
In recent years she has been concentrating on helping churches in Hungary with their websites, leading an international Bible study and leading an evangelistic movement that helps believers share their faith and challenges people to Think About Jesus. |